We asked, and you provided. Your mead suggestions were delicious, delectable, and in some cases, disgusting.
Here's a breakdown of the most popularly-mentioned flavors.
Most Mentioned:
Ginger (or ginger + another ingredient): Overwhelmingly, ginger was the most-mentioned flavor—and all with a positive rating. Ginger is such a versatile ingredient; it's warm, spicy, and blends well with both sweet and savory. We use ginger in our Featherweight, which is one of our most popular meads, but if might be interesting to try it with a few more flavors!

Other flavors that received multiple votes were rose, rhubarb, and dandelion.
Some people were strongly for mint, while others thought that would remind them of brushing their teeth. We haven't used mint in our blends, but our original mead was made with basswood honey, which had some light notes of mint to it.
Anise was also on people's love and hate list. It's like cilantro (mentioned on the do not make list).
Other flavors that had votes in the yea and nay columns were wormwood, lavender, and malort.
Absolutely Not...
Lutefisk and pickles both got two votes on our please do not make list. Don't worry—as of right now, we have no designs to add fish to our mead. However, cucumber, dill, and lemongrass made up the flavor profile of the Green Mary last year, a mead which will probably make a comeback at some point!

This one was a little surprising—chocolate also got two mentions for do not make. We actually have already made chocolate meads (a few of our mystery flavors over Halloween included some chocolate candy flavoring).
Flavors you mentioned that we wont consider (except in the most dire or creative of circumstances) are: ham, liver, ranch dressing, and pepto bismol.
You can send us flavor suggestions at any time; simply pop into our inbox. Or, order a specialty mead flavor you’d like to share with your friends (or your enemies) and Noah will be happy to take on the challenge!